Writing Rules

Sample Draft: /files/76/editor/files/Oernek_Taslak(1).docx

1) The works to be sent to the Geography Journal with Multidisciplinary Approaches should be of a nature that brings a new approach to the subject it deals with and has not been published anywhere before.

2) In case of publication of the accepted work, all rights of the work belong to the Geography Journal with Multidisciplinary Approaches. In case of quoting from published works, it is obligatory to show the source.

3) All kinds of opinions and responsibilities in the published works belong to the author(s).

4) Articles, including footnotes, should be between 7000 – 8 000 words.

5) The works should be written in one of the Microsoft Office Word programs, in accordance with the format, in the Times New Roman character and December 1,15 lines, 12 points should be used for headings, 11 for body text and bibliography, 10 for footnotes.

6) English Turkish and English abstracts with a maximum length of 250-300 words should be added to the main part of the works. It should be written in Times New Roman character in 11 pt and December 1,15 lines. English Turkish and English keywords should also be included, at least three, at most five.

7) A Bibliography (or bibliography) containing all the sources used and sorted alphabetically by the surname of the authors should be included.

8) The figures and tables used in the work should be numbered respectively and their explanations should be written under the figures. Example: "Figure 1. Ethnic Distribution in Syria (Source: Anadolu Agency)", "Table 1. Change of Turkey's Electricity Consumption by Years (Source: Energy Market Regulatory Authority)".

9) A bibliography should be added to the end of the works, in which the sources used are listed alphabetically.

10) Turkish English extended summary (summary) with a length of 1500 words should be added at the end of the works.

11) In the works, the current in-text APA 7 citation system should be used.


This document has been prepared to explain the necessary situations related to the list of sources and citations to be made in the text.


At least 1 (one) display of resources is mandatory in the ”SOURCES" section. The list of sources should be prepared in the “Source” style registered in the styles found in the journal template file. The ”source" style includes paragraph edits (the amount of hangers, the space that will come before and after, the character size, etc.) should be used to perform. Empty lines should not be left between the sources. Dec. Internet address links, if any, should not be removed from the resource. The source should not be shown with numbers or in the form of footnotes.


The list of resources should be prepared according to APA7 standards. Information about the APA7 standard that is excluded from this document https://apastyle.apa.org / can be accessed at.

General Rules of In-Text Resource Representation

It can be used as a colon (:) followed by page numbers (XX-XX) in in-text citations and in cases where the page number should be given, without spaces after the date information. This usage applies to all works regardless of the number of authors.

For example;


Display Page Number

Display Without Page Number

In single-author works

(Surname, 2020:XX-XX)

(Surname, 2020)

In works with two authors

(Last Name 1 and Last Name 2, 2020:XX-XX)

(Last name 1 and Last Name 2, 2020)

In works with more than two authors

(Surname et al., 2020:XX-XX)

(Surname et al., 2020)


General Rules of Resource List Notation

The names of the authors of the works depending on the number of authors are given as follows.

In works with a single author:                                     Surname, A.

In works with two authors:                                          Surnames 1, A1. and my surname is 2, A2.

In works with more than two authors:                          Surnam1, A1., Surnamed 2, A2., ... Surname N-1, An-1 and Surname, An.

Note: The numbers given in the examples are used only to indicate the order. It should definitely not be used as a subscript in this way in the list of resources. The letter A is used to represent the initial letter of the author's name.

Showing the sources of the article type,

Last name, A.    (2020).    The full name of the work.    The name of the published journal, Volume(Issue), FirstPage-Lastpage.


Explanation: After the author's names, the creation date of the work should be given only as the year in parentheses, and a period and space should be left after the parentheses. After the full name of the work is given, a period and a space are used, and the full name of the journal in which the article was published is given in italics. A comma and space are used after the journal name. The number of volumes should be given after the number is given and, if any, the number should be given in parentheses. It is written using the “-“ hyphen between the page numbers where the work is located, and a period and a space should be left at the end. Dec. If the work has an accessible internet connection, it should be given as the full address in the sequel and the necessary connection should be created.

The Real Example:

Bailey, N.W. (2012). Evolutionary models of extended phenotypes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 27(3), 561-569. https://doi.org/10.1037/rev0000126

Showing the resources of the conference paper type,

Last name, A. (2020). The title of the paper. A1. Surnames 1 and A2. Last name 2 (Editor(s)), Title of the full text book/Conference (First Page-Last page).                                                                The publishing organization. http://internetsayfası.com/yayinin-bulundugu-sayfa

Explanation: After the author's names, the creation date of the work should be given only as the year in parentheses, and a period and space should be left after the parentheses. After the title of the paper is given, a period and a space are used, and the names of the editor or editors of the full-text book in which the article was published are abbreviated, and the surnames are given in full. A space is left in the parentheses; if there is a single editor (Editor), if there are more than one editors (Editors), a comma and a space are left. The name of the full text book is given in italics. Then a space is left, and the page numbers with the full text are indicated in parentheses, leaving a space. The name of the publishing organization is given, after a dot and a space, if any, the link to the accessible internet address should be given in full.

The Real Example:

Morgan, R., Meldrum, K., Bryan, P., Mathiesen, B., Yakob, N., Esa, N., and Ziden, A . A. (2017). Embedding digital literacies in curriculum: Australian and Malaysian experiences. G. B. Teh and S. C. Choy (Eds.), Empowering 21st century learners through holistic and entrepreneurial learning: Selected papers from Tunku Abdul Rahman University College International Conference 2016 (11-19). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-4241-6_2

Showing resources in the book genre,

Surnam1, A1., and Surnam2, A2. (2020). The name of the book (if any, how many editions it is). The publishing organization. http://internetsayfası.com/yayinin-bulundugu-sayfa

Explanation: After the author's names, the creation date of the work should be given only as the year in parentheses, and a period and space should be left after the parentheses. The name of the book is written in italics, and after the number of editions is given in parentheses, if any, a period and space are used, and the name of the publishing organization is given. If the access link or DOI address of the book is available, the corresponding link should be created and provided.

The Real Example:

McIlwraith, C. W., Nixon, A. J., and Wright, I. M. (2015). Diagnostic and surgical arthroscopy in the horse (4. Printing). Mosby. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-7234-3693-5.01001-8

Showing resources of the book section type,

Surnam1, A1., and Surnam2, A2. (2020). Title of the section: Subtitle of the section. A1. Surnames 1 and A2. Last name 2 (Editor(s)), Title of the book: Subtitle of the book (if any, the number of editions, chapter pages). The publishing organization. http://internetsayfası.com/yayinin-bulundugu-sayfa

Explanation: After the author's names, the creation date of the work should be given only as the year in parentheses, and a period and space should be left after the parentheses. The title of the cited section and its subtitle, if any, are written and a period and a space are left, there should be a colon (:) and a space between the two. Dec. The names of the editors, abbreviations and surnames should be given in full, first and last names, respectively. If there is an editor, “(Editor)” should be written, if there are more than one editors, “(Editors)” should be written, followed by a comma and a space. The title of the book and the subtitle, if any, are Decoupled with a colon and all of them are written in italics. If it is not the first edition of the book, the edition number should be given in parentheses. The page numbers of the cited section should be specified as December in the same parenthesis. The name of the publishing organization should be given by leaving a period and a space after the parentheses. Then, an internet access connection, if any, must be provided.

The Real Example:

Le Couteur, D., Kendig, H., Naganathan, V., and McLachlan, A. (2010). The ethics of prescribing medicines to older people. S. Koch, F. M. Gloth, and R. Nay (Eds.), Medication management in older adults (29-42). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-60327-457-9_3

Showing resources of the website type,

Last name, A.         (2020, April 22).         The title of the web page.              The name of the publisher site. http://internetsayfası.com/yayinin-bulundugu-sayfa

Explanation: After the author or organization names, the creation date of the work should be given as year, month and day in parentheses, and a period and space should be left after the parentheses. If the publication date is not specified, the access date may be used. There should also be no expressions such as “Access date:” in the reference. The relevant web page title should be written in italics and a period and a space should be left at the end. The name of the publisher site is written and a period and a space are left. Further, the access address should be given in the form of a link.

The Real Example:

The Department of Education. (2020, April 22). Physical activity and health. Queensland Government. https://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/learning-at-home/physical-activity-and-health

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