Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

With Multidisciplinary Approaches, it is expected that the authors, referees and editors will not take general actions contrary to scientific research and publication ethics during the publication process of Geography journal researches.

General actions contrary to scientific research and publication ethics (taken from the Council of Higher Education Interuniversity Council Scientific Research and Publication Deciency Directive)

Plagiarism: Presenting other people's ideas, methods, data, practices, writings, shapes or works as if they were partly or completely their own work without attribution in accordance with the rules of scientific ethics,

Forgery: To produce data that are not based on research, to edit or modify the submitted or published work based on untrue data, to report or publish them, to make a research that has not been done seem to have been done,

Distortion: to falsify records and Research data obtained in research unused methods, equipment and materials such as those used to show the research hypothesis or assumptions that do not comply with the data to fit the theory to the evaluation of relevant data or results not to play with the interests of individuals and organizations that received support in accordance with the results of the research to falsify or shape,

Duplicate publication: To present more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in associate professor exam evaluations and academic promotions,

Slicing: Presenting the results of a research as separate works in certain exam evaluations and academic incentives and promotions by dividing them into inappropriate parts in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and by publishing a large number of publications without attribution to each other,

Writing unfair: Active people that do not contribute to the article author to add is not included among the authors who contribute actively to the author's ranking in an inappropriate way and unjustified change in the next edition or release the names of those who contribute actively to work during the active contribution without using its influence to write in the name of,

Other types of ethical violations: by taking support of ongoing studies in the publication who support persons, institutions or organizations with clearly indicate their contributions to research, human and animal research ethical failure to comply with the rules publication not to respect the rights of the patient, as the referee was commissioned to examine a work before it is published to share with others the information in, or provided the resources allocated for scientific research, venues, facilities, and equipment use for other purposes, completely unfounded, to make an accusation of unwarranted and intentional ethical violation (YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8)


Studies should be prepared according to scientific rules and ethical rules. It is obligatory that the results of any research (especially veterinary, aquaculture and zootechnics) to be published as an article should be an ethics committee report and a copy of this report should be attached to the article.
The researches that require the permission of the Ethics Committee are as follows.
1. All kinds of researches carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observation, experiments, interview techniques
2. The use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
3. Clinical studies conducted on humans,
4. Research conducted on animals,
5. Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,
The author or all authors whose works will be published in the journal assume all kinds of responsibilities related to their writings.



1) That the submitted article is the original work of the author(s);
2) That all authors participated in this study individually and that they take all kinds of responsibility for this study;
3)That all authors have seen and approved the final version of the submitted article;
4)That the article has not been printed elsewhere or submitted for printing;
5)People who did not contribute to the content of the study, that they are not specified as authors;
6)The original statements taken directly from the publications of other researchers, together with the appropriate quotations, indicate in quotation marks;
7)All articles published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted not submitted;
8)The authors must obtain permission from the relevant persons for the human images and this permission informs the participants in which journal the study will be published.;
9)They undertake that the text, figures and documents contained in the article do not violate the Copyrights of other persons.
10)At the end of the article; “Support” or “Thanks” and “Conflict of Interest” statement should be given.



1) All articles submitted to the Journal of Geography with Multidisciplinary Approaches are evaluated through a double-sided blind peer review process.
2) Double-blind peer review means that the authors are kept secret from the referees and the referees are kept secret from the authors in order to ensure an unbiased, objective and independent evaluation process. The articles are forwarded to the referees from the journal management system for evaluation.
3) The referees are required to fill out a form containing the decisions of the article they evaluate, which takes geography as a subject with an interdisciplinary approach and whether the article is publishable and the reasons for these decisions. The ethical responsibilities and roles of the referees of the Journal of Geography with Multidisciplinary Approaches are as follows:
4) Referees are required to referee only articles related to their field of expertise.
5) Referees are expected to agree to refer articles that do not have conflicts of interest. Referees should inform the editor when they notice any conflict of interest and refuse to referee the relevant article.
6) Referees should evaluate the articles impartially and objectively.
7) Referees are required to fill out the Referee Evaluation Form for the articles they have evaluated, and it is expected that they should not mention their names in the forms in order not to harm the double-sided blind arbitration process. The referees are required to indicate their decisions regarding whether the article they have evaluated is publishable and their reasons for their decisions in this form.
8) The style used by the referees in their suggestions should be polite, respectful and scientific. Referees should avoid offensive, disrespectful and subjective personal comments. The referees of this type of non-scientific review comments when comments and corrections can be contacted by the editor or the editorial board.
9) Referees are required to complete their evaluations within the time given to them and are expected to comply with the ethical responsibilities stated here.



1) Editors are obliged to take into account the feedback received from readers, researchers and practitioners about the published studies and to make the necessary answers and actions.
2) Editors make their decision about the article based on the original value of the article, the objectives of the journal and the ethical rules.
3) If the article has a high original value and has been prepared in accordance with the journal's objectives and ethical rules, it should be taken into the evaluation process.
4) Editors should take into account the positive opinions of the referees unless there is an important reason.
5) It is necessary to return to the requests and opinions received from the authors with feedback.
6)The referees to be appointed should be selected in accordance with the article topic.
7)Decisively, there should be no conflict of interest and relationship of interest between the referee and the authors.
8)It is responsible to guide the referees in the article evaluation process and to provide the information requested.
9) The editor is obliged to hide the credentials of the author and the referee thanks to blind refereeing.
Referees should take the necessary warnings and precautions to evaluate the article in a timely, impartial and scientific manner.
He should make an effort to increase the number of referees to the journal.
10) Editors are required to take into account the opinions and suggestions of the advisory board about the articles.
The relationship of editors with the Magazine owner and publisher
The decisions that editors make about the article should be independent of the journal owner and publisher organization.
11) Editors are responsible for observing the journal publication principles, journal objectives and international standards in the articles to be published in the journal.
12) Editors are responsible for not transferring their personal information to third parties except with the consent of the article authors.
13) Editors are responsible for protecting human and animal rights in case of studies on humans and animals in the content of the article. The ethics committee report is responsible for rejecting the article if the ethics committee approval is not sent for the studies to be obtained.
14) Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all articles sent to the journal and published.
15) Editors are responsible for being open to complaints from reviewers, authors and readers and for providing an enlightening response.
16) Editors are responsible for taking precautions against the relationships and conflicts of interest that may arise between authors, referees and third parties in order to complete the evaluation processes of the articles imparti Decently and independently.

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